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Writer's pictureIbiyemi Balogun

Let’s talk about Vision;

This word “Vision” has been chasing me down as if I owe it money 🤣, so I decided to write about it. Hopefully, by the time I get to the end of this blog, I will have some more clarity.

What’s funny is that I used to be the 5-year/10-year plan girlie, but the last two years of my life have shown me that you really can’t plan for any of it. I have been so surrendered to God’s leading because, after my whole crash-and-burn experience in 2023, something inside of me kind of stopped planning for the future—at least for more than six months at a time(if that). 

So what exactly is Vision? 

According to Google, vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.

OMO that’s heavy; because first of all “plan the future” sounds like a threat. I have NO idea where I even want to live, talk less about planning a future. Then we add imagination or wisdom and that’s where you lost me. 

I feel like my imagination has been stunted. To be fair, I was never the most imaginative person to begin with. I was always scared to dream too big because I didn’t want to be disappointed or for my life to become too big for me. Then in early 2022, God reminded me that I could dream again. I vividly remember having a conversation with a girl from church who encouraged me to dream again. She reminded me that no matter what the setbacks were, God had a plan and I could hope again, and dream for bigger. 

Fast forward to some of the most out-of-control years in 2022 and 2023 where grief, burnout, uncertainty, and exhaustion almost took me out. Somewhere along the way, I surrendered all the plans I had. I came to the end of myself as some people would say. 

So what does this have to do with vision? Well, it's December and everyone is reflecting and gearing up for a new year by doing vision board exercises and believing in God for more in 2025, and once again, I feel like I’m drawing a blank. I know the scripture says, exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can think or imagine, but what if your imagination is a blank page? Ok, maybe not a blank page lol, I'm being a bit dramatic but what if it feels like you don’t have a clear path?

Well, the bible says whoever lacks wisdom should just ask God who gives it so generously. So lord this is me asking; what would you have me do? 

Coincidentally enough (holy spirit moment) I was moderating a panel at a Christian conference yesterday about vision! I was the one asking questions about vision and navigating change and uncertainty when you have decisions to make. One of the panelists said that with God it's never really about what you are doing but who you are becoming and that struck me. It’s about who He is making you into; it’s about removing the impurities and fine-tuning you. 

So who am I becoming already and who I do want to become in 2025? 

  1. I want to become the sort of person that not only survives but thrives in uncertainty knowing that her father is certain so she doesn’t have to be. 

  2. I want to become the sort of person who experiences the peace that passes all understanding that the bible talks about….not just a peace that is circumstantial but an eternal peace. 

  3. I want to become the sort of person who doesn’t forget the faithfulness of God every 3-5 business days when things start getting overwhelming. 

  4. I want to become the sort of person who doesn’t worry about money because they know who their source is! AND knows how to steward the resources that God has already provided….not every day God provide, some days budget and save as well 👀

  5. I want to become the sort of person who doesn’t get caught up in social media comparison (I know y'all, I still struggle with this one, one day God will free me).

  6. I want to become the sort of person who can stick to a healthy lifestyle without needing her gut screaming “help me”  first.

  7. I want to become the sort of person who doesn’t easily get overstimulated; I want a regulated nervous system for 2025, please. 

  8. I want to become the sort of person who runs to God before social media/podcasts or online coaches for help and wisdom.

  9. I want to become a praise and worshiper! I want to build intimacy with God outside of just reading his word but actually singing praise to Him in our quiet time together. 

  10. I want to become the type of person who doesn’t doubt the promises of God. 

  11. I want to become the type of person who is patient and NOT fearful of making the wrong decision. 

  12. I want to become the type of person who puts her confidence in God and nothing else. 

I know the world typically does “vision” differently by writing down goals and accolades but I think character is more important for me in the next season of my life. 

Lord, help my unbelief. Even as I write this all down, I don’t feel worthy enough to accomplish it all….but as I learned today in church before you make a decision, you must agree. In the beginning, when God made man, he agreed with Himself saying “ Let us make man, in our image”. Well, who was the “our”? 

God “the Father” (the authority)

God “the Son”(the word/vision) and 

God “the holy spirit” (the capacity and power) 

So this is me, agreeing. Lord give me the authority to activate your vision with conviction and the power and capacity to see it through even when I don’t personally feel it. 

That’s it……thank you, Jesus! 


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